Tugas b.iggris

Bagus : Hello, good morning ?
Ilham : Hello, good morning ?
Bagus :How do you do ?
Ilham : How do you do ?
Bagus :What is your name ?
Ilham :My name is Ilham , and what is your name ?
Bagus :My name is Bagus.
Ilham :Where do you live ?
Bagus :I live in sidorejo village . And where do you live ?
Ilham : I live in yosowilangun 
Bagus :When and where were you born ?
Ilham :I wes born in lumajang on 15 February 2000. And when and where were you born ?
Bagus :I wes born in lumajang on 19 may 1999 
Ilham :What is your hobby ?
Bagus :My hobby is playing basket ball. And what is your hobby ?
Ilham :My hobby is playing volley ball
Bagus :What is your ideal ?
Ilham :My ideal is state officer. And what is your ideal ?
Bagus :My ideal is doctor 
Ilham :OK, nice to meet you ?
Bagus :OK, nice to meet you to

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